Buccleuch Xander was born and trained at the Buccleuch Estate, Scotland. The Duke of Buccleuch and Queensberry, his registered breeder, continued the legendary history of Buccleuch Labradors with this fine retriever.
In the 1830’s, the 5th Duke of Buccleuch, Walter Scott, was one of the first gentleman to import dogs from Newfoundland that became the foundation of what is now known as the Labrador. He utilized these dogs on his shooting estate in Scotland as gundogs for their natural abilities as retrievers of birds.
In the 1880’s, the 6th Duke of Buccleuch, along with the 3rd Earl of Malmesbury (England) met shooting and entered the first two Labrador entries in the Stud Book of Duke of Buccleuch Labrador Retrievers. The Buccleuch Kennel is almost unique in as much as the original pure strain (black) has been strictly maintained, although with varying levels of activity, since the breed reached its shores in the 1830’s.
While the Buccleuch Labrador was primarily a “working dog,” ancestors of the line made many champions including the first Labrador in history to place in an English trial, 1906 FTCh Flapper. As with Wildrose Labradors, Buccleuch Labs were renowned for their “good noses, tender mouth and an intelligent and courageous temperament.” Today, at Wildrose, the legend continues.
Xander is sired by the popular British Field Trial Champion, Waterford Ganton. FTCH Waterford Ganton placed third in the 2012 IGL (British) Retriever Championship. His mother’s trailing bottom line is pure Buccleuch. The first three generations of his pedigree, top and bottom, have superb hip scores (11 of 14 single digit BVA scores and eyes clear). FTCh Buccleuch Xena “Daisy” of Drumlanrig Castle is Xander’s littermate sister.
Xander is fast, extremely stylish and powerful in water. As tradition would have it, he is a superb gamefinder, hits cover hard with a clean delivery. On the road hunting and appearing with our demonstration team, Xander projects his pleasing personality and confirmation accompanying the story of “The History of the Labrador.”
Experience traditional field performance and a legendary heritage that dates to the foundation of the Labrador breed, Buccleuch Xander.